In this place
In this place, I was full of wonder and excitement.
I came in with bright eyes looking to learn and eager for freedom.
A met a few people, I heard they’d become like family.
Then the others came and we stuck together, we knew we always had somewhere to go.
Eventually, I decided to venture and then just stayed next door. I never thought of going anywhere else. You don’t get better than exceptional.
In this place we shared, we laughed, we cried, we worried, we celebrated, but most importantly WE SANG!!!!!!
We should’ve been on Broadway.
We got so close that our star felt comfortable enough to face us. She even hit the note…you know the one everyone lipsynchs.
We learned about George Washington, the apocalypse pony and his fun, life-threatening friends, and one man’s deepest desires…what what.
Nothing could really stop us. We were ourselves. In the times we could be, we were carefree.
In this place, I always found time for home base. It was a process of getting to know everyone and a few stood out. Corny as it may sound, they walked straight into my heart.
In this place, I held a secret, one so confidential all who knew were sworn to never tell it. The distance kept me safe.
Every now and then in this place, I felt really comfortable with who I was. No time to think anything else when you’re dance like crazy in the halls.
In this place, things got a little harder.
It was unexpected really, but we tried hard to not do sadness.
“Notify us about what you would like to do for the rest of your life,” was posted all around this school.
This decision was easy for me and became a very proud speech geek!
In this place, we were awakened by more music and the lives of moritz, melchoir, and wendela.
We waited for them earlier in the morning with the rest of the day to explore a city.
We sat in Central Park, reminisced in Toys R’ Us, and created tons of new memories.
Most importantly, we watched our friend grow.
In this place, we encouraged a new romance. A spark predicted very early in the year.
The sages patted themselves on the back, as the lovebirds tried to hide at the FAC.
In this place, I became a leader bringing awareness of different issues and hanging up fliers everywhere I could.
In this place, I learned how to worship. I let the music usher in the presence of God.
In this place, for some reason I grew scared and a little insecure.
I pulled myself through and even found the courage to sing on my own.
A few moos and some tough love always made me feel better.
In this place, a new activity became a part of our lives. We were a little hesitant, but we had some friends who encouraged us.
We got to dress up almost monthly and just play. Whether it was dancing or singing Pokémon, we always had a good time.
In this place, I became the hammynamer, my most precious role.
Shortly after arriving to this place, I ventured off the Emerald Island. I had no idea what to expect.
The snow fell in Shannon and we ran on the bus so excited!
I met some new girls from places kind of far away. Minnesota and Idaho; seriously?
They became a huge part of my heart and were always ready to applaud by unknown serenades.
We even went to GERMANY! We had the best time!
In this new place, I met Pan, Hook, and the Galway girl. I also made friends with my partner in crime.
We played cards at the Well, I forced them to the Brog, we all actually enjoyed the Bailey, and we watched an awful movie and redeemed ourselves with Disney.
There was time for pretend HW sessions, travel plans, potlucks, and tea. My favorite was Barry’s, and trust me they knew. If I wasn’t sipping on tea I was drinking my JACK and coke.
They made fun of how much Pixie dust I sprinkled at night, but I always knew never give away too much.
We traveled around Europe and piled in to hotels. We only got caught once.
In this new place, I learned to be free. Life is way more fun when you aren’t analyzing each moment. I let go and became a part of the present.
It was hard to leave this new place, but I was looking forward to bring back the lessons I had learned.
*************************************************************************************In In this place, I was welcomed back by my two favorite men. Yea, I ran to the CMC to meet them!
It was all overwhelming and exciting. But senior year was finally here.
It started off great! We welcomed in the madness and I a new, fantastic friend. Blehhhhhhhh, that’s all I can really say <3.
In this place, it was incredibly difficult for me to balance my new found freedom and need for responsibility. I leaned more to one side and toppled over.
My academic successes seemed to be over, but a wise man told me to breathe and that things would turn out better than I could foresee. Of course, he was right.
As I stumbled about, an idea to restore my sanity came to mind. Though I decided kind of late, I still handed in my application on time. I filled out a few others as well. All I had to do was wait. Yes, it was as hard as it sounds.
In this place, my secret came out. I proceeded with caution but slipped and fell into a River.
It swam there alone. The truth evaded me. I tredded the waters, knowing I was strong enough to never drown. The water was toxic and I got a little out of control. It was nothing like the water in the River Lee.
When I allowed myself to swim closer to shore I saw tons of lifeboats, and realized they were always there. In fact, one of them was always next to me. Yes, they’d heard me cry but knew I needed my time.
I was inundated with emotion, but their hands helped me up. I saw there were lighthouses around the river, too. There was one out West, a few in New York City and some Upstate. I couldn’t believe it, but I should’ve known, there were some in the Midwest. The brightest lighthouse was in Queens, NY.
As I stepped on to the shore, no answers came and my confusion sometimes became worse. I never really knew and still don’t know what to believe.
Patience and one really good reality check, thanks to my jersey clad friends, made things easier. Life became about me and my friends again. We put our hands up and danced around. Some of us were so good we even got shout outs.
Regrets tried to surface but they were hard to hear over the music on the lime green radio and all the talk about whales.
In this place, Friends and Uno were funnier when you’re drunk, Microbes, Celtic earring and Celine were the best gifts ever. Oh, and Glee ruled all.
In this place, I regained my success. I got in To JVC, MGH, and this little place, Columbia. I jumped for joy…literally. UCDavis, FIU, Emerson and U of A also accepted some of their most elite students!
In this place, I learned that according to Chemistry, English, Biology, Psychology, Law, Nursing, Speech, and History scholars I was pretty cool kid. I even heard that from someone who worked on T.V!
Actually, I learned from them that I was loved more than I could ever imagine.
In this place, I learned I was loved by many.
In this place, I promised to love myself.
In this place, I looked in myself and saw all the good in me. I learned that I was the only one that had to see it. I felt fortunate to have tons other that saw it as well.
In this placed, I realized how lucky I was.
By the end of my time in this place, I felt really comfortable with who I was.
In this place, it was hard to think anything else when, you’re dancing around your room, running around hotels with fake lollipops, eating Roma’s cheese fries, getting a final burger at Flamers, or having the best late night conversations.
In this place, no one really said good-bye; the bonds were too strong. We wait for June 29 or the next city date.